Venus G Gas Brazing Alloy
SKU: RM-5902FFor all coppers, copper alloys, brass, bronze. Thin flowing with high strength. Venus G replaces Sil Phos. Venus G features economy and speed which are as important as its strength and ductility. Venus G makes it possible to join copper, brass and bronze and enjoy all these advantages.
Only a small amount of Venus G is required to make a joint with outstanding strength. Ideal joints are only .002 to .005 inches wide; thus, superior wetting and flow of this product is vital. Venus G is ideal for use in refrigeration, air conditioning, plumbing and electrical industries. Download PDF
High Strength 52,000 psi
No Flux Required
Excellent Thin Flow
Fast and Easy To Use
No Special Preparation
No Clean Up Problems
Economical To Use
For All Copper Base Alloys
Very Low Temperature
May Be Used With Propane
Joints and pinhole repair
Very Good out of position
Recommended Settings
Temperature: 1175°F (635°C)
Best Practices
Normally no flux is needed on copper.
With brass or bronze use Gemini Flux for increased cleaning and wetting action (available separately).
Heat joint broadly with a large tip.
When flux liquifies or copper turns dull red, apply Venus G.
Maintain heat to assure flow throughout joint.